With support from Robin Hood, our benefit-cost research examines the long-term benefits to society – for example, better health, education, and employment outcomes and reduced spending on health, child welfare, and criminal justice systems – generated from public investments in children and how these compare to program costs. We leverage a rigorous evidence base to estimate the value of benefits that result from cash programs, such as an expanded Child Tax Credit or a child allowance and paid leave, and near-cash programs, such as child care or education assistance. As new studies emerge, we will update our model and methods accordingly. We conduct benefit-costs analyses of policies at the federal and state level and within New York City.
- The net benefits of raising bachelor’s degree completion through CUNY’s ACE Program, working paper—Dec 2024
- Update of the benefits and costs of a child allowance, working paper—Apr 2024
- A benefit-cost analysis of child care subsidy expansions: The New York State case, working paper—Aug 2023
- The benefits and costs of a U.S. child allowance, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis—Sept 2022